Personality Test with verbal content

48 items

Test without time limit

Processing time: approx. 12 minutes

Inhouse-test with supervision

Home-test without supervision


Croatian, Dutch, English, Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

other languages on request

Optimized for

desktop, tablet, smartphone

Career starters

Openness to experience describes the interest in and extent of engagement with new or creative ideas, opinions and ways of working.

Conscientiousness describes the individual requirement for diligence and accuracy in the performance of work tasks.

Extra version refers to the outward turn and the general drive of a person. 

Compatibility encompasses the extent of willingness to compromise and cooperate as well as compliance and goodwill in contact with others. 

Emotional stability describes how much professional situations are perceived as stressful and how they are processed emotionally.


The feedback always includes all 5 dimensions, no total value is provided.

Z (Z-Score): Standard score in value range 70-130 (M=100, SD=10); PR (percentile rank): Share in reference group with a score that is at most as high.


The TAKE5 is completed in random order, in Likert scale format, which allows the measurement to be limited to individual scales. Following an introductory instruction, individual job-related statements (items) are specified, which must be evaluated on a 7-level scale in terms of agreement/disagreement. All items of the item pool are output in random order. The presentation typically takes place together with other personality scales in one test module. The items from the various tests are mixed together to reduce fatigue and transparency and thus socially desired response behaviour. 

Theoretical background

TAKE5 captures the five basic personality factors in a professional context. The five-factor model of personality (Big Five) has been established worldwide since the 1980s. The clear structure of the five characteristics could be replicated across different languages and cultural spaces. 

Numerous studies show that the five personality traits can predict professional performance. However, personality factors differ in their predictive power depending on the performance criterion and specificity of the profession. Extravert people, for example, perform better when it comes to teamwork or leadership success, while low tolerability can be detrimental to both criteria. Research shows, however, that high emotional stability and a high degree of conscientiousness are advantageous for a wide range of professions and performance criteria. Openness has established itself in particular as a central predictable variable in the context of training and further education success. 

The development objective of TAKE5 was to capture the five factors as close to work as possible in order to maximise forecasting power in the working context. The recess in the private sector also has the advantage that the items are not perceived as invasive, which is also beneficial from a legal perspective (see DIN 33430). The vocational formulation of the items increases acceptance of the test by the participants and the predictive power of the procedure as a whole.  

The procedure is suitable for use in personnel selection for all target groups as well as for internal potential analyses.

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