The development bank recruits management mainly from its own staff. For the effective identification of potential candidates, a scientifically profound overall process was introduced which follows the multimodal approach of suitability diagnostics (combination of biography-, simulation- and trait-based approach). The process begins with a potential assessment through standardized performance assessment by the direct superior. The first step is to carry out psychological test procedures, a roleplay exercise, and the multimodal interview MMI® with the candidates. The results of these procedures are merged with the results of the performance assessment and serve as a basis for the invitation to the second stage of the selection process. This consists of two further roleplay exercises, a presentation exercise and a case study, the results of which are combined with those of the first stage for the final decision. Candidates who are rejected at one of the two stages will receive recommendations for individual development measures integrated into the feedback, enabling the rejected candidates to reapply in the future.

JOBMATCHER M as a specific configuration for mapping all the procedures used and administering the anonymised results. The results are calculated in real time in order to make decisions directly after the second stage and to provide the candidate with a feedback.

On the basis of a requirement analysis, target-group specific psychological test methods were compiled. The performance evaluation and the interactive procedures (roleplay, presentation task, case study, multimodal interview MMI®) were specially developed to ensure an optimum performance forecast. The interactive procedures are characterised by high standards regarding objectivity and standardisation. All procedures were specifically tailored to the company.